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內容簡介.12年國教英語課外補充教材 這是英文笑話選集。作者是明星高中退休的英文老師,曾任教師大附中,他所蒐集和挑選的英文笑話,乃針對國中、高中職學生程度的字彙和文法,內容可分為童言童語篇、親子篇、師生篇、夫妻篇、醫病篇、顧客篇等,是很好的英語課外補充教材。不但適合家長買給學生看,也很合適已經踏出校門多年的父母親,跟著孩子一起學英文。 英文比你想的要好玩,比你想的更好笑! 每天一則笑話, 笑一笑,學習英文也會變有趣。 題目很簡單,答案卻很難 Dad: “How were the exam questions?” Eva: “Easy. But the answers were tough.” Joe: I lost my dog. May: Why don’t you put an ad in the newspaper? Joe: It’s ridiculous. He can’t read. Ballet student: Why do all the students here dance on their tiptoes? Teacher: That’s how we dance here. Ballet student: Why don’t you get taller students? Alfred: Why do witches ride brooms? Angela: Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy to fly. Mrs. Lee: How many years have you been married? Mrs. Lin: More than ten years. Mrs. Lee: You must have many things in common, then. Mrs. Lin: Only one. That is, we got married on the same day. 作者簡介作者介紹 揚歌(Younger) 本名楊國明,1956年生,國立臺灣師範大學英語系畢業,曾任教國、高中近三十載,2006年自國立台灣師大附中退休,之後考上國立台北教育大學文教法律研究所,於2012年6月順利畢業。 作者手持教鞭之餘,一直勤於翻譯、編著和創作各類書籍,已出版作品共五十餘冊,包括《讀英文 看人生》、《一生能有幾次選擇》、《心中的信用卡》、《課堂外的第一名》、《最後的一堂課》等。在本社出版有《不要NG 只要ING》以及《中學生了沒?──英文腦筋急轉彎》。 譯者介紹 目錄Part I 童言童語 On and off TV Knitting sheep Waiting for the film to come Killing the Dead Sea Thicker than water Writing so slowly Forgetting to shake Swimming since four Having to come down anyway Too heavy to fly Stopping the merry-go-round Free lighting Losing the glasses Not able to add Not imagining Deep or shallow Going blind in begging A dirty joke Telling the future with cards No horse to sing Jumping to be killed Never getting on with anybody The face in the same place The dentist and the tooth The letter not saying anything Saying the password first First day of school Beauty and Lucky Something in my mouth Falling off a ladder A tail without a body Too small to jump higher The dog not able to read Seeing through walls The dog scratching Drawing the heaven A marshmallow and a pillow Speaking German The freezing candle and words Having no teeth The same birthday every year To scare the ghosts away How to get to the other side Answering the iron A plain clothes police dog Forgetting his name The principal’s daughter Stripe and Spot A ten-to-zero game Smart gum Pushing the bell with your elbow Part II 爸媽冏很大 My dirty shoes Too dark to see the light The wrong feet The tough answers Having teeth in the pocket Never wearing alligator shoes Wearing glasses when sleeping Giving y... |